Meet The Fellows

Clinton Nyamongo,Kenya

Clinton Nyamongo from Kenya is a lawyer and a recently admitted advocate to the Law Society of Kenya.

In fact, Clinton was enrolled to the bar association during the residential training of the EAEPIAP. The programme’s eligibility criteria requires its candidates to be practicing advocates, save on occasion that a candidate awaiting admission has shown exceptional potential in public interest litigation (PIL). Clinton had shown this potential and he has since been living up to it.

Clinton, soon after admission to the Bar, appeared as Lead Counsel before the East African Court of Justice on a mock trial organized by the EAEPIAP. And he came ready, notes and all, wig and all!

Clinton is currently placed at the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) for his practicum. He explains that initially he was skeptical of his abilities within the realm of PIL; and was worried that he would underperform while stationed at KHRC. Luckily, with good mentorship Clinton no longer feels so and is quickly learning from his mentor who has vast experience in PIL. More so, Clinton’s mentor believes in him and has occasionally told him that he is bound to thrive judging from the level of dedication that he continues to show.

“I’d like to be a public interest litigant who will make lives of persons within my community better. This way, I will have succeeded” — Clinton Nyamongo

Clinton’s motivation is to be successful, Quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson “To leave this world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition. To know that one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.” Clinton seeks to be a public interest litigant who will make the lives of persons within his community better. That, for him, will be success.

“I like watching the stars. My gaze at the vast sky reminds me of the unlimited opportunities that are available for me to explore” — Clinton Nyamongo

We have no doubt that you will shoot for the stars Clinton!



East Africa Public Interest Advocates Programme

Training the next cadre of Public Interest Advocates across the East African region. Briefly put — lawyering for the greater good!