Meet The Fellow


Meet Kimbugwe Conrad Jeremy from Uganda.

Conrad is currently hosted at the Refugee Law Project (RLP). He shares that the practicum experience at RLP has been exciting and in a way breathed life into his professional career. Conrad’s mentor has worked tirelessly to ensure that he is comfortable at RLP. His mentor also extends her knowledge and expertise freely to Conrad as the need arises.

Conrad at the library of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, during a study visit to the Court

Conrad is working on inclusive education for refugee children with special needs for school-going refugee children in Uganda. His aim is to improve access, retention and inclusive education around schools in refugee settlements in Uganda.

Conrad’s inspiration to work on this project is as a result of having worked with refugees for over three years. During this time, he realized that while national and international legal frameworks recognize disability and the related environmental barriers, the discourse around disability is silent on the unique circumstances of refugee children. A refugee child is exposed to multiple vulnerabilities that affects their wellbeing, such as the trauma brought by the forced migration experience before, during and after flight. Apart from this traumatic experience of leaving behind their known environment, many such children often report to have experienced torture, physical violence and sexual violence. Some refugee children also witness violence inflicted on their parents and/or loved ones. This has the potential of exposing children to disability and exacerbating the conditions of those already with a disability. In a sense therefore, while the experience of forced displacement in and of itself is injurious to children, existing or accrued disability (visible or otherwise) of forcibly displaced children adds insult to the injury.

Conrad as Counsel for his team at the East African Court of Justice during a Mock Trial exercise

It is against this backdrop that Conrad decided to pursue this project to help this minority vulnerable group of children realize their full capacity through inclusive education.

In a more holistic sense, Conrad aims to continually use his education, knowledge and networks to promote and protect the basic rights of the less privileged persons of society and community.


When the bib and robe are off, you’ll catch Conrad at the grill throwing down a BBQ for his friends and family. Conrad is also a big fan of football, and has undying love for Manchester United.

We wish Conrad the best as he continues to serve the less privileged.

#MeetTheFellowWednesday #EAEPIAPcohort3



East Africa Public Interest Advocates Programme

Training the next cadre of Public Interest Advocates across the East African region. Briefly put — lawyering for the greater good!